North Carolina Community College
Student Development Personnel Association

N3CSDPA’s mission is to serve as a resource and support to Student Services professionals throughout the North Carolina Community College System.

- N3CSDPA serves as an information resource, and provides professional development and networking opportunities.
- N3CSDPA provides a forum to discuss Student Services policies, processes, and best practices.
- N3CSDPA encourages collegiate partnerships and collaborations that maximize student success.

Collaboration, Innovation, and Life Long Learning

Save the Date!
N3CSDPA Annual Conference
June 12-13, 2025
Cape Fear Community College, Wilmington, NC
Upcoming N3CSDPA Officers Meetings
Inquiries regarding attending or presenting at an N3CSDPA meeting should be directed to:
Fall 2020 Virtual Conference Resources
You can now download and view powerpoints, pdfs and videos from the 2020 Fall Conference.
N3CSDPA Five Regions
The five regions convene meetings to share information on current and emerging issues.
A regional representative will facilitate meetings.
- Asheville Buncombe
- Blue Ridge
- Caldwell
- Catawba Valley
- Cleveland
- Haywood
- Isothermal
- Mayland
- McDowell
- Southwestern
- Tri-County
- Western Piedmont
- Wilkes
Regional Representative: Callie Radford
Contact Information: Phone: 828-835-4221, Email:
Next Meeting: Coming Soon
- Central Piedmont
- Davidson
- Forsyth
- Gaston
- Guilford
- Mitchell
- Montgomery
- Rockingham
- Rowan-Cabarrus
- South Piedmont
- Stanly
- Surry
Regional Representative: Jennifer Campbell
Contact Information: Phone: (336) 224-4705, Email:
Next Meeting: Coming Soon
- Alamance
- Central Carolina
- Durham
- Fayetteville
- Johnston
- Piedmont
- Randolph
- Richmond
- Robeson
- Sandhills
- Vance-Granville
- Wake
Regional Representative: Vacant
Contact Information:
Next Meeting: Coming Soon
- Albemarle
- Beaufort
- Edgecombe
- Halifax
- Martin
- Nash
- Pitt
- Roanoke-Chowan
- Wayne
- Wilson
Regional Representative: Shaquana Deans
Contact Information: Phone: (252) 618-6537, Email:
Next Meeting: Coming Soon
- Bladen
- Brunswick
- Cape Fear
- Carteret
- Coastal Carolina
- Craven
- James Sprunt
- Lenoir
- Pamlico
- Sampson
- Southeastern
Regional Representative: Gina Mecca
Contact Information: Phone: (910) 362-7768; Email:
Next Meeting: Coming Soon
N3CSDPA Officers 2024-2025
Executive Board
Past President – Sabrina Terry
President – Cailin Asip
President Elect – Vacant
Secretary – Rachel Scott
Parliamentarian – Sandra Deloatch
Treasurer – Vacant
Public Relations – Michelle Harris
Division Representatives
Accessibility - Demetria Nickens
Admissions & Recruitment -
Advising & Success Coaching - Tiffany Robinson
Career Services -
Mental Health Counseling - Ernest Lawson
Records & Registration - Anastasia Ramirez
Student Activities - Danielle Poyner-Ruffin
Scholarship & Student Aid -
Veterans Affairs - Jason Bocchino
Presidential Liaison – Dr. John D. Gossett
Student Development Administrators Liaison - Sabrina Terry
System Office Liaison – Dr. Torry Reynolds